Featured Resources
Australian executive purchases apartment unit in St. Louis, Missouri.
The Client Our client, an Australian Executive, wanted to invest in an apartment unit that was in an unliveable condition in St. Louis, Missouri, to fix and hold it. How We Helped Finding a lender was not easy for our client as he had no U.S. credit. He reached out to us in hopes that […]
Canadian businessman picks Florida for high rental yield
The Client Our client purchased a 4-bedroom single-family home in Florida, intending to fix and flip it. Being a Foreign National made it difficult for him to find a lender who would finance a fix-and-flip property. How We Helped His lack of U.S. credit made it hard for him to find a bank to lend […]
U.S. Data Scientist living in U.K., purchases second home in Honolulu, Hawaii
The Client Our client wanted invest in a second property. She decided to take advantage of rental yields by fixing up a single-family home and then renting it out. How We Helped After researching for days, she finally reached out to America Mortgages. Using AM Fix-’N’-Flip program for U.S. Expats, closed the deal in 15 […]
Canadian Professor purchases Fix-and-Flip property in Texas
The Client Our client was a university professor living in Canada. He found a property in Texas that needed some repairs and wanted to take advantage of the low purchase price with the intention to ‘Flip’ it. The property being situated in a good neighborhood within close proximities to good schools and several amenities, convinced […]
U.S. Expat buys distressed property in Oregon to fix and sell
The Client U.S. Surgeon living in Toronto was looking to purchase a Flix-and-Flip property in Oregon as an investment, mainly to earn rental yield. How We Helped Fortunately for our clients, situations like this are our specialty. We secured a loan for ARV (after-repair-value) using a short-term bridge loan. Being an expat meant that our […]
What real estate investment earns 150% return? Fix-and-Flip!
What real estate investment earns 150% return? Fix-and-Flip! In our never-ending crusade to bring awareness to the U.S. residential real estate market, we want to introduce you to the first part of our Launchpad Series – Fix-and-Flip. In each part of this series, we will be sharing more about the new programs we have to […]
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