Featured Resources
What do non-citizens need to know about filing an LLC?
Are you considering opening a business in the USA and wondering what non-citizens need to know about filing an limited liability company (LLC)? There are rules to follow, and whether operating from your home country or the U.S., consider working with a certified public accountant or experienced attorney. To get started, choose a unique business […]
This Week’s U.S. Real Estate News for Global Investors
Here’s this week’s top news in the U.S. real estate market. These highlights offer potential opportunities for U.S. expats and non-resident investors. Let’s dive into the news and insights that might shape your investment strategy. KKR Acquires Multifamily Portfolio and Other Implications KKR’s recent acquisition of Quarterra’s $2.1 billion multifamily portfolio has sparked considerable interest […]
How Can Mexicans Get Mortgages in the U.S.?
Yes, you Can Buy Property in the U.S. as a Mexican Citizen! Great news! Just like U.S. citizens, foreign nationals, including Mexican nationals, have the same rights to acquire and own real estate in the United States. Mexico is the second largest country of origin for foreign buyers in the USA. Important Points to Note […]
3 Tax-Smart Strategies for U.S. Real Estate Investing
Elevate your investment game and make informed decisions about your U.S. real estate ventures today!
Turn your home equity into cash
Has your property appreciated in value since you purchased it? If so, your equity — the portion of the property you own has increased as well! A practical way to tap into this growing equity without selling your home is through a conventional cash-out refinance mortgage or an asset-based bridge loan. Quick Comparison Bridging loan […]
How to Open a U.S. Bank Account while Living Overseas
Are you living overseas and thinking about opening a U.S. bank account without moving to the States? You’ve come to the right place. Not many people know this, but the U.S. allows foreign nationals with a Social Security Number (SSN) or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) to open a bank account in the U.S. […]
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