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“Ex-post, Ex-ante” + When rates will fall
Welcome to our newly revamped weekly product, where we do a quick summary of salient news over the past week and what to expect the following week and beyond. It took a while to think of a catchy name for our weekly and we hope you like it. We also plan to include our house […]
Buyers Guide to California Pt 2 – Demographics
CALIFORNIA Californication, Red Hot Chili Peppers In last week’s “Buyer’s Guide to California Pt 1 – Education Matters,,” we discussed why Education is an important driver of where overseas borrowers choose to invest in real estate. In that report, we looked at the top 50 Public, and Private high schools, average ACT/SAT scores, Median Household […]
They’re Back! Overseas Buyers of US Real Estate
Overseas Buyers of US Real Estate The past several years have been volatile for all areas of the U.S. economy, but especially the real estate market, which as seen price appreciation from a low-interest rate environment. Anyone who has tried to purchase a new home in the U.S. during this time has learned what it […]
Buyers Guide to California – Education drives prices and rents
CALIFORNIA “California, Here we come” Phantom Planet (click for an awesome Indie rock song from 2002) We are super excited to kick off our “Buyer’s Guide to U.S. Real Estate” series, where we go in-depth into the main U.S. states for property investment purchases, starting with California! We also have a surprise guest at the […]
Say Yes to Using Real Estate to Hedge Against Inflation!
Hedging Inflation With Real Estate While rising inflation and increased U.S. interest rates can cause stress for many, investing in real estate can be the best approach to hedging inflation. With inflation at a nearly 40-year high and the uncertainty in the stock market, investing in real estate is decidedly one of the best approaches […]
Now is the Time to Release Equity for Cash: A Global Real Estate Perspective on the Strength of the U.S. Dollar
The U.S. dollar has been pushing down the rest of the world’s currencies over the past few months. The Yen is at a 24-year low compared to the dollar, and the Euro and Dollar have not been on par since ’02. Day after day, it proves that it is the world’s most dominant currency, with […]
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