Australian Luxury Property Owner Uses Bridge Loan for Business Expansion in California

The Client

Our client living in Australia owned a luxury property in California with no mortgage. He wanted to take advantage of a market opportunity for his business but had very little liquidity. He explained his situation and as he needed the funds within a week.  

How We Helped

Our America Mortgages loan officer based in Sydney proposed a quick real estate bridge loan to address his immediate liquidity issue. The loan was structured as a pure asset-based (no financials required) with no prepayment penalty and funded within 4 days from application. As there was no prepayment penalty, our loan officer immediately started the process of refinancing into a 10-year fixed interest only with a total term of 40 year fixed rate. 

The immediate liquidity issue was resolved, and a proper long-term mortgage was put in place.

Loan Details

NationalityProperty ValueLoan AmountLTVRate
Australian Citizen$12,500,000$7,500,00060%11.25%/8.25%
TermAddressProperty TypePurposeLoan Type
12 Month10/30 FixedCorona Del Mar, CASingle-Family HomeBridge to PermResidential

Want to learn more?
Schedule a call with our U.S. Mortgage Specialist.