2024 Housing Market Showdown: What’s Your Next Move?

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the potential impacts on the U.S. housing market are at the forefront of many investors’ minds. Whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris wins the presidency, the policies and economic strategies of the next administration will undoubtedly influence the real estate landscape, especially for U.S. expats and foreign national investors.

Trump Wins! What’s Next for the Housing Market?

Trump victory could bring significant changes to the U.S. housing market. Trump’s approach is likely to focus on deregulation and tax cuts, which could stimulate real estate investments. Experts suggest that Trump’s policies might lead to a surge in refinancing and home sales, particularly if he influences the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates. However, while deregulation could boost the housing supply, it may also lead to increased inflation and higher interest rates over time.

Key Predictions:

  • Deregulation: Potentially easier building and zoning regulations, increasing the housing supply.
  • Economic Policies: Tax cuts and business incentives may boost demand for homes.
  • Interest Rates: Potential for lower interest rates, encouraging more real estate investments.

Harris Wins! What’s Next for the Housing Market?

In contrast, a Kamala Harris presidency is expected to emphasize affordable housing and economic equity. Harris is likely to continue the current administration’s policies, focusing on capping rent increases and supporting affordable housing projects. While these policies could stabilize housing prices and make homeownership more accessible, they may also introduce tighter regulations, potentially slowing down real estate investments. Additionally, the higher interest rates seen under the current administration may continue, which could temper the housing market’s growth.

Key Predictions:

  • Affordable Housing Initiatives: Increased support for affordable housing projects and first-time homebuyers.
  • Economic Stimulus: Continued government spending on infrastructure and social programs, potentially boosting housing demand.
  • Interest Rates: Higher borrowing costs could slow the pace of home price increases.

What This Means for U.S. Expats and Foreign National Investors

Both election outcomes present unique challenges and opportunities for U.S. expats and foreign national investors. Under a Trump administration, the potential for deregulation and lower interest rates could accelerate market growth, making it an opportune time to invest in U.S. real estate. Conversely, a Harris administration might focus on long-term stability and affordability, which could benefit investors looking for sustainable, socially responsible opportunities.

Regardless of the election outcome, America Mortgages remains committed to supporting non-resident investors in navigating these changes. Our loan programs are designed to cater to the unique needs of international investors, offering tailored solutions whether you’re looking to capitalize on a booming market or secure a stable, long-term investment.

Featured Loan Program: AM Investor +

  • Property Type: Single-family homes, Multifamily, Condo, apartments, second/holiday homes, investment properties.
  • Minimum Loan Amount: US$150,000
  • Loan-to-Value: Up to 75% for purchase & 70% for cash-out
  • Underwriting: Based on an income letter, not personal tax returns
  • Credit Requirements: No U.S. credit required
  • Tax Requirements: No tax returns required
  • Closing Time: 30-45 days

Whether Trump or Harris takes office, we believe the U.S. real estate market has outperformed the last few years. 

With the projected rate cuts and housing shortage, we are looking at a red-hot real estate market! 

America Mortgages isn’t merely a mortgage provider; we are your trusted partner in navigating these changes and achieving your investment goals. Your success is our success. 

For more information about our loan programs and how we can assist you, Contact our experienced loan officers today via our 24/7 link to start your U.S. real estate investment journey. Alternatively, you can reach us at +1 (845) 583-0830 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

Want to learn more?
Schedule a call with our U.S. Mortgage Specialist.